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The Rainy weekend reading list!
Every weekend is more or less the same. The same chaos to manage, the same chores, the same shopping, the same trying to get some time off for yourself (and failing miserably at it!) Even the same loneliness at times..and to add to this, now there are the rains that take weekends to the whole new level of complex! And if there is anything that makes a weekend stand out....if there is anything that is different on the weekend..its the books that one reads!
Yes, here we are, once again, with a brand new list of weekend reads for you! Go grab any one (or even all) of these and we guarantee, you will thank us later for making it worth your while :)
And There There Were None by Agatha Christie
Genre: Crime Fiction, Mystery
Lets start this week with a bang! If you are an Agatha Christie fan, you know what we are talking about...and might already have read this gem. But for those who are wondering why this classic is the first book we have on our list today, we say, go read the book, but don't blame us, when you are scared of your own friends in the dark! It's not just us recommending this book - there was also a Bollywood movie adaptation made of this book that has scared people for generations....How's that to start your weekend reading?
A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton
Genre: Crime Fiction, Mystery, Female Protagonist
Okay, so now that we have whet your appetite for mystery and murder, here's another who-dun-it for you. This mystery with a female protagonist, is the first in the alphabet series, currently available till the letter 'W' with 'X' coming up later this year. The feisty female protagonist of this series does not ask for any concessions and is quite willing to face danger for her clients. Fast paced and full of plot twists, this fabulous read promises to keep you guessing till the very end!
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More by Roald Dahl
Genre: Short Stories, General Fiction
What, mystery is not your cup of tea? And not even reading an entire book in one sitting? Yeah, we know, some days its only the short stories that we can manage too...and if you are in a short stories mood, here is our part witty, part fantasy and part autobiographical collection of short stories by the great Roald Dahl. For those who have grown up on a diet of Charlie from the chocolate factory, George with his marvelous medicine, Danny the champion and Matilda (need I say more?), here's one literary gem for the older readers. With stories ranging from real life accounts to impossible occurrences, this is one collection you will definitely want to read again and again!
House Husband by Ad Hudler
Genre: Humour
What happens when gender specific roles of husband and wife are reversed? What if the man of the house chooses to support his wife in her dream job by accepting the role of the homemaker? Here's a refreshingly witty and engaging take on role-reversal of stereotypes by an author who knows exactly what he is talking about! Believe us, this is one book that promises to hook you right from the beginning and by the end of it, you will be asking for more!
The Valmiki Syndrome - Finding the Work-Life Balance by Ashok Banker
Genre: Non-Fiction, General
This book in our list is very different from anything we have recommended before. And here's why - at FindMyRead, we believe that weekends are not only about getting away from life's troubles, but also about contemplating life and pondering over life's decisions and choices. Using katha or 'story' as a medium, The Valmiki Syndrome is an amazing read that helps put straight one's priorities in life.If you find yourself in a contemplative mood this weekend, here's something you would definitely not want to miss!
And that's our picks for your weekend reading. Did your favourite book make our list this week? We would be happy to know in the comments section!
Happy reading!!
P.S: The rains are here! And what better to team up with your hot chai and pakoras than our very own reading list? Oh, and if you are a coffee person like me, then let me tell you, that freshly brewed hot coffee with the hint of cinnamon? Well, it never tasted half as good when it wasn't accompanied by a good book! Just saying... :)