Picking up books is a lot like making friends. You don’t get attracted to all people equally, do you? Many times, you know of some people and wish to make friends with them. Other times, someone you know, knows some people, and tells you that they can be great friends. Sometimes, you share something with people, it may be a hobby or the love for the same song. But most of all, the best friends you make, are ones who you have a gut feel about. Where you sort of have a feeling that this will work out. You may not know them, you have never heard of them; and yet, you spot them and you just know, that this is going to be worthwhile.
Just Another Day by Piyusha Vir, for me, was something like that. There are enough reasons why I should have picked up the book the moment it came out – the name of the author is fairly new to the world of books, and yet, it is familiar to me; the author and I are part of the same social media circles, the author is widely endorsed by a group of fellow writers who share similar tastes and optimism, the book was available at an amazing introductory price – and yet, none of these reasons were what prompted me to pick it up. It was this gut feel, this knowledge that I have no idea where it came from, that led me to believe that this will be one good read!
And I am glad I picked it up! Because where else, was I going to hold in my hands, something so rich and powerful, so touching and moving, so stirring and uplifting, all at once?
Just Another Day is a short-short story collection that features three stories by Piyusha Vir. Three stories. That is all there is. And in these three stories, there is world full of intrigue and warmth and pleasure and distress! Each of these stories talk about just one day in the lives of the protagonists. An ordinary day in their lives. A day that makes or breaks them. A day that changes them completely. And with them, leave a lasting impact on the reader’s soul by tackling emotions that a lot of us have just plain stopped acknowledging or just plain stopped feeling.
Richly crafted characters that stay with us long after we have put away the book, and splendid atmospheric narration are the highlights of this deceptively small book. What it lacks in weight, it more than makes up in the way the author compels us to think and to introspect during each and every story. Crisp, clear writing, rich, yet lucid language, and the ability of the author to be able to move the reader with the written word, are why you should pick up this book.
I could tell you what each of these stories is about and leave you with just enough tantalizing information about the stories and what happens in them. But where’s the fun in that? All I say is, pick up the read, and let it play its magic on you!
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